How to delete my reviews on Google? A simple guide

If you want to delete Google reviews quickly, here is a comprehensive guide showing exactly how to do it. Here are step-by-step instructions.
Weronika Nużyńska
Content Marketing Strategist
Digital team leader at KS Agency
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How to delete my reviews on Google? A simple guide

The Internet is a handy tool for gathering information about anything that interests us. One of the most popular sources for collecting this information is the Google reviews of other users, which you can find in the Google Business Profile displayed in Google Search and Google Maps.

You'll almost certainly have looked for and read third party hotel reviews, scoured Amazon reviews, glanced over TripAdvisor, and even opened up the Google Maps app yourself at some stage and made decisions based on them. Users write reviews on Google, especially when they are really happy or really disappointed with the service or a customer service team. That's why even a few negative reviews or fake review can seriously harm a company's online reputation (Great that you're unable to add an anonymous review)

However, you may want to remove your opinion from Google Maps. The business owner may have solved your problem, and now you want to remove negative Google reviews. In this article, we will show you a guide to deleting Google reviews in a few simple and short steps. Enjoy!

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- Step 1: Go to the Google Maps application

- Step 2: Verify your Google account

- Step 3: Click the menu on the left

- Step 4: Click your contribution

- Step 5: Go to the tab "Opinions."

- Step 6: Find and delete a Google review

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Step 1: Go to the Google Maps application

To remove negative reviews on Google, you need to go to the Google Maps app on your mobile device or type "Google Maps" into your computer's search engine and go to the map.

Step 2: Verify your Google account

While in Google Maps, check in the upper right corner if you are logged into the correct Google account from which you added the opinion you want to delete.

Step 3: Click the menu on the left

In this step, you need to click the menu, which is located in the upper left corner. You'll find it in a box where you can enter the place you want.

Step 4: Click your contribution

After the dedicated menu appears, you need to click the tab "Your contribution."

Step 5: Go to the tab "Opinions."

Now you should see a window with various tabs. Click the tab "opinions."

Step 6: Find and delete a Google review

This is the final step - find the opinion in Google. In the list of opinions, click on the one you want to delete. It will appear where the Google business profile of the company you gave an opinion. Click the three vertical dots to the right in the box and then click "delete opinion." Done!

If the review is illegal or violates Google policy, you can report review. Google shows reviews marked as helpful to more people. You can't contact someone who left an inappropriate review or remove Google reviews of other people, but you can request that Google remove them. Reviews are taken down if others label them as inaccurate or if they don't comply with Google's review policies.

Wrapping up

Now you can quickly and easily remove a negative review in Google Maps. If you think you should do it, do the process recommended by Google's policies. From now on, neither posting nor removing negative Google review from a Google business profile will be fine. Good luck!

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