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Localo regulations

Regulations of the website

Website regulations


effective from 2024.

Preliminary provisions and definitions.

These Regulations apply to services provided by the Administrator through the website https://localo.com/ and all subdomains, including, in particular, https://app.localo.com/. Thus, these Regulations define the types, scope and conditions for the provision of services by electronic means and the rules for the conclusion of agreements for the provision of services and digital content through it, including the rules and procedure for exercising the right of withdrawal by the Customer who is a consumer, by LOCALO Sp. z o.o., based in Wrocław, Plac Solny 14/3, 50-062 Wrocław, Poland, entered in the Register of Entrepreneurs by the District Court for Wrocław-Fabryczna in Wrocław, VI Economic Department of the National Court Register under the number 0000880128. The Regulations also constitute rules and regulations within the meaning of the Act on the provision of services by electronic means.


  1.         Service - the website available at https://localo.com/, as well as all its pages and subdomains, including in particular  https://app.localo.com , all managed by the Administrator, through which LOCALO provides the services specified in these Regulations;    
  3.         LOCALO - LOCALO Sp. z o.o. in Wrocław with its registered office at Pl. Solny 14/3, 50-062 Wrocław, share capital: PLN 5000, NIP: 8971887866, REGON: 388000462, entered in the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register under KRS number: 0000880128;    
  5.         User - a natural person using the Site who is at least 18 years of age or a person of legal age in accordance with the law in force in the place of residence of that person, as well as a legal person or an organizational unit that does not have legal personality, but to which the law grants legal capacity. Minors may use the Site and the Services offered therein only with the consent and under the supervision of adults (legal guardians).    
  7.         Login or registration form - a form available on the Site or on an external website, used to create an Account;    
  9.         Order Form - a form available on the Site that allows you to place an order and conclude a Sales Agreement.    
  11.         Account - a set of resources in the LOCALO ICT system, marked with an individual name (login/e-mail) and password provided by the User, in which the User's data is stored;    
  13.         Sales Agreement - an agreement for the provision of LOCALO Services concluded between the Customer and the Seller through the Website, on the basis of which LOCALO undertakes to provide the Services to the Customer in exchange for payment of the Price,    
  15.         Payment Operator - PayU S.A. with its registered seat in Poznań, 60-166 Poznań, at 186 Grunwaldzka Street, entered in the register of entrepreneurs kept by the District Court Poznań - Nowe Miasto and Wilda in Poznań, 8th Economic Department of the National Court Register under the number 0000274399, holding NIP: 779-23-08-495,    
  17.         Regulations - these Regulations, in accordance with Article 8 of the Act of July 18, 2002 on the provision of electronic services, i.e. dated February 6, 2020. (Journal of Laws of 2020, item 344, as amended) - defining the rules of use of the Site and Electronic Services;    
  19.         Inquiry - a request for analysis of a specific phrase in a specific location and language, submitted by the User through the Account.    
  21.         Electronic service - the performance of a service provided without the simultaneous presence of the parties (at a distance), through the transmission of data at the individual request of the recipient of the service, sent and received by means of equipment for electronic processing, including digital compression, and storage of data, which is entirely transmitted, received or transmitted via a telecommunications network within the meaning of the Telecommunications Law.    
  23.         LOCALO Service - a digital service or digital content delivery service in accordance with the Law on Consumer Rights (Journal of Laws of 2014, item 827) offered on the Site.    
  25.         PayU Express service - a service provided by the Payment Provider in cooperation with LOCALO, consisting in the issuance by the Payment Provider of an electronic payment instrument and payment.    
  27.         Price List - the current price list for a given type of subscription posted on the LOCALO website at: https://localo.com/cennik, whereby if the User activates a second and subsequent slot:    
  29.        more than 15 days before the end of the Billing Period, the User pays 100% of the subscription price for that slot,    
  31.        less than 15 days before the end of the Billing Period and more than 7, the User pays 66.6% of the subscription price for that slot.    
  33.        less than 7 days before the end of the Billing Period, the User pays 50% of the subscription price for that slot.    
  1.         Billing period - the period for which the User pays fees for the duration of the subscription to the Service. The billing period is one month, calculated as 30 consecutive calendar days - in the case of a subscription for a period of 1 month, and 12 months, calculated as 365 consecutive calendar days - in the case of a subscription for a period of one year. Subscription fees for services provided on the Site are charged:    
  1.        in advance every month on the calendar day on which the subscription began in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations in the case of monthly subscription,    
  3.        in advance each year on the calendar day on which the subscription began in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations in the case of an annual subscription.    

  1.         Privacy Policy - a document outlining information regarding the processing of personal data by LOCALO.    
  3.         Slot - functionality of the LOCALO Service that allows the User to add one active company profile of the User on the Account created by the User within the purchased subscription.    
  5.         Consumer - a User who is a natural person entering into an agreement with LOCALO, the subject of which is not directly related to his/her business or professional activity, arising in particular from the subject of his/her business activity, made available on the basis of the provisions on the Central Register and Information on Business Activity;    
  7.         Newsletter - Electronic Service that allows the Customer to subscribe to and receive, with the consent of the Customer, at the e-mail address provided by the Customer, free information from the Service Provider concerning the Electronic Services available on the Site.    
  9.         Price - a specific value expressed in money in PLN currency (Polish zloty). All Prices shown on the Site are gross prices, i.e. they include value added tax (VAT).     

  1.        Order - a statement of intent to conclude a Sales Agreement by the Customer submitted via the Order Form and aimed directly at concluding an Agreement for the supply of digital content with LOCALO.    


  1.        The Regulations set out the rules for the use of the Website and the rules and procedures for concluding Sales Agreements with the Customer at a distance through the Website.    
  3.        The Contract of Sale between the Customer and LOCALO is concluded when the required procedures for purchase on the Site are fulfilled, together with the posting of payment on LOCALO's bank account and the commencement of LOCALO Services by LOCALO.    
  5.        Proof of the conclusion of the Sales Agreement by the Customer is, in particular, an email sent to the Customer's email address, together with a VAT invoice or receipt for the Service or other proof of the conclusion of the Sales Agreement.    
  7.        LOCALO agrees to immediately commence providing the LOCALO Service from the moment the payment for the Service selected by the Customer is credited. The User agrees and acknowledges that immediate commencement of the Services shall result in the loss of the Consumer's right to withdraw from the contract, except as indicated in § 9 and § 10 of the Regulations.    
  9.        The Agreement for the provision of Electronic Services consisting of maintaining an Account on the Website is concluded for an indefinite period of time at the moment the Customer logs in via Google or registers the Account via the Registration Form and receives an e-mail sent by LOCALO confirming the registration of the Account. The Customer's Account service is provided free of charge.     
  11.        Detailed terms and conditions of the personal data protection policy are contained in the Privacy Policy available at https://localo.com/privacy-policy, and which is an integral part of these Terms and Conditions. Persons entering into a Sales Agreement on the Website voluntarily provide their personal data and consent to their processing by LOCALO under the terms and conditions indicated in the  Privacy Policy.    
  13.        Contact Service:     
  15.        LOCALO address: Plac Solny 14/3, 50-062 Wroclaw, e-mail address  LOCALO:[email protected] LOCALO phone number: 602 598 958     
  17.        The Customer may communicate with LOCALO using the addresses and telephone numbers specified in these Terms and Conditions.    
  19.        The customer can communicate by phone with LOCALO between 08:00 and 16:00 Monday through Friday.    

8 Technical Requirements:

The use of the Service is subject to technical requirements. The customer should provide at least:

  1.        A device that allows you to use the resources of the Internet,    
  3.        connection to the global Internet,    
  5.        An updated web browser for web pages (Google Chrome, Safari, Microsoft Edge, and Mozilla Firefox) that supports encrypted SSL connections, or one of the last 3 versions of Android,    
  7.        active electronic mail (email) account,    
  9.        The version of the operating system and browser used should continue to be supported by the software publisher and hardware provider.    

These Regulations are available free of charge on the website at https://localo.com/regulations, where you can download, save and print them.

The service does not use price profiling and product placement.


  1.        LOCALO allows Customers to send their feedback to LOCALO and to read other Customers' opinions about the Services provided on the Website at https://localo.com/historie-sukcesu, where only verified opinions are published, including those verified by LOCALO and issued by actual Customers who have purchased LOCALO Services and used the Website's functionality.     
  3.        The authenticity of the issued reviews is ensured by LOCALO, which, on the basis of the data submitted by the Customer when filling out the form to issue reviews, verifies that the Customer has actually purchased LOCALO Services. LOCALO reserves the right to publish selected opinions, but has no influence on their content and does not make any modifications to the opinions issued by Customers. The Customer is solely responsible for his/her statement made in the expression of the Opinion.    
  5.        Opinions and scores made by customers - are not substantively verified by LOCALO.     
  7.        In case of reasonable doubts of LOCALO and/or any objections directed to LOCALO by other Customers/third parties in particular as to whether a given Customer has in fact purchased a LOCALO Service or whether a given review originated from a Customer, LOCALO reserves the right to contact the author of such review in order to determine and confirm that he/she is in fact a Customer of the Website or has purchased a LOCALO Service as to which the review was posted.    
  9.        Any objections, comments or appeals against the verification of opinions may be made in a manner analogous to the complaint procedure indicated in § 7 of these Regulations.    


  1.        Orders placed on the Site can be made by Customers who have an Account. Registration of a Customer Account on the Website is voluntary and free of charge.    
  3.        The Customer may register an Account with the Online Store after pressing the " Get Started" command at the top of the Website's home page at https://localo.com/, and then clicking " Register" and completing the Registration Form, unless the Customer chooses to log into the Website through a Google account
     In this case, the Customer does not need to register an Account, as he/she will be automatically logged in and will use the Account service by logging into his/her Google account.     
  5.        To the email address provided in the Registration Form or the email address assigned to the Google account, LOCALO will send a message confirming the registration of the Account. The provision of an email address is a necessary data for the provision of Account services. The start of the provision of the electronic service of the Account shall commence upon receipt of the message confirming the registration of the Account.    
  7.        The Account service consists in enabling Customers to use the functionalities of the Website after logging in with a password.    
  9.        The Customer makes an Order on the Website by filling out the Order Form.    
  11.        The Customer places an Order by filling in the Order Form with his/her data (e-mail address), and accepting the content of these Regulations and Privacy Policy.    
  13.        In the case of the Order Form on the Website, the Customer provides his/her email address and, depending on the form of billing, provides his/her name and address (individual) or company data (Company). The Customer also selects the payment method from those indicated in the Order Form, i.e. PayU, Debit Card, BLIK or Bank Transfer.    
  15.        Providing incomplete data in the Order Form will prevent you from accepting the invitation to conclude a contract and concluding the Sales Agreement.    
  17.        LOCALO shall each time determine which of the data in the Order Form are necessary to conclude the Sales Agreement.    
  19.        The User of the Website, after creating an Account, may delete it only by contacting the Website support at. e-mail: [email protected]    


  1.        Orders for LOCALO Services are accepted through the website https://localo.com/    
  3.        As a result of purchasing a subscription to the LOCALO Service based on the Price List, the User may gain access to additional functionalities of the Site indicated in this paragraph and § 6.    
  5.        The user can, at his/her discretion, use the free plan "FOR FREE" or purchase a renewable subscription for a period of one month or one year at the current fees applicable according to
    with the Price List.    

3a. Under the free "FREE" plan, the User receives unlimited time access to the Site with access to the functionality of the LOCALO Services listed in the free "FREE" plan.

  1.        The User buys one subscription per Slot added by him/her within his/her Account. The User may purchase only one subscription per Slot. The User may add more than one Slot to the Account and thus purchase more than one subscription that will cover the same Billing Period, with the first month's amount being adjusted according to when the Billing Period for the Account falls in accordance with the Price List. The user may add or remove a Slot at any time, which is equivalent to cancelling the subscription. The cancellation of a subscription for one Slot does not affect subscriptions activated by the User for the User's other Slots. Once a Slot is removed, it remains active until the end of the Billing Period. Deletion of additional Slots takes place immediately and the overpayment is credited.    
  3.        Invoices will be sent to the email address provided when creating an Account on the Service from the payment provider to Localo - Paddle based:    
  1.        🇬🇧 Paddle.com Market Limited: Judd House, 18-29 Mora Street, London, EC1V 8BT, United Kingdom    
  3.        🇮🇪 Paddle Payments Limited: Core B, Block 71, The Plaza, Park West, Dublin 12, Ireland    
  5.        🇺🇸 Paddle.com Inc: 3811 Ditmars Blvd, 1071, Astoria, NY 11105-1803, USA    

6. prices in the Service given in Polish zloty are gross prices, including VAT.

(7) Whenever LOCALO is informed of a reduction in the Price of a LOCALO Service, LOCALO shall, in addition to information about the reduced Price, include information about the lowest Price of that LOCALO Service that was in effect during the period of 30 days prior to the introduction of the reduction. In the case of Services that have been on sale for less than 30 days, then LOCALO shall, next to the information about the reduced Price, include information about the lowest Price of that LOCALO Service that was in effect during the period from the date of commencement of sales until the date of introduction of the reduction.

  1.        LOCALO may make changes to the Price of LOCALO Services, but the changes are not binding for Sales Contracts made before the change. LOCALO also reserves the right to introduce new services for sale, carry out and cancel promotional actions on the Website, or make changes to them in accordance with the norms of the Civil Code and other applicable laws.    
  3.        Payment for LOCALO Services purchased by the Service can only be made via online payment in one uninterrupted session.    
  5.        After making payment via online payment, the Customer should wait for the payment to be credited to LOCALO's bank account. Confirmation of payment will be sent to the Customer's e-mail address indicated in the registration process.    
  7.        Before placing an Order, the User should read and accept the Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy. After accepting all the details of the purchase (including the type of Service j and the total amount due), the user is redirected to the payment service after clicking the button "pointing to the payment symbol.     
  9.        If you choose online payment (wire transfer, BLIK or payment by credit card through the PayU system) as a form of payment for LOCALO Services, the payment instruction must be executed immediately after placing the Order. In case of non-receipt of payment to the account or intermediary entities in the transaction (PayU system), the Order is not considered to be properly placed, which means that the Contract of Sale does not come into effect and the Order will not be completed. In such a situation, a new Order must be placed. In the case of payment from abroad (i.e., outside Poland), payment for the Service shall be made only via payment card).    
  11.        At any stage of placing an Order, until payment is made, the Order can be canceled by ceasing to go through the steps and exiting the subpage used for placing Orders. An Order which is not brought to completion by the Customer will not be processed.    
  13.        LOCALO, in order to properly execute the Sales Agreement, may contact the Customer at the e-mail address provided by the Customer to clarify any doubts, confirm the placement of the order or on other issues related to the proper execution of the order.    
  15.        In order to receive a VAT invoice, it is necessary to provide company data in the ordering process along with the VAT number necessary for proper invoicing.    
  17.        Those making payments through a foreign bank should take into account the cost of bank intermediation, as only full payment within the stipulated period guarantees LOCALO's processing of the order.    
  19.        LOCALO is not responsible for the consequences of the Customer providing false or incorrect data in the Order Form.    
  21.        If the Customer has any questions about the operation of the Site or needs assistance, especially regarding the Electronic Services or LOCALO Services, he/she may contact the following phone number: +48 602 598 958.    


  1.        Provision of Electronic Services to Users on the Website is provided free of charge for services:    
  3.        Conclusion of Sales Agreements at the time specified in accordance with the content of § 4,    
  5.        Accounts,    
  7.        Newsletter Subscriptions,    
  9.        Chat Messenger,    
  1.        In order to ensure the security of the transmission of messages and data, in connection with the services provided, LOCALO shall take technical and organizational measures appropriate to the degree of security threat to the services provided, in particular, measures to prevent unauthorized persons from obtaining and modifying personal data transmitted over the Internet.    
  3.        In particular, the user is obliged to:    
  1.        not to provide or transmit content that is prohibited by law, such as content that promotes violence, is defamatory or violates the personal rights and other rights of third parties;    
  3.        use the Service in a manner that does not interfere with its functioning, in particular through the use of specific software and devices, not to take actions such as: sending or posting unsolicited commercial information (spam) within the Service,    
  5.        use the Site in a manner that is not disruptive to other Customers or LOCALO,    
  7.        use any content posted within the Service only for your own personal use;    
  9.        use the Website in a manner consistent with the provisions of the law in force in the Republic of Poland or in another place of residence of the User, the provisions of the Regulations, as well as with the general rules of Internet use.    
  1.        LOCALO has the right to post advertising content on the Website. This content, is an integral part of the Website and the materials presented therein.    
  3.        Thanks to the Newsletter service, LOCALO sends commercial information about LOCALO's offerings, new services, current promotions, etc. to the e-mail address provided by the User. The Newsletter service is provided free of charge for an indefinite period of time.    
  5.        The newsletter will be sent to the email address provided by the User.      
  7.        Each message within the Newsletter service contains:    
  1.        LOCALO data as the sender of the Newsletter,    
  3.        Newsletter content,    
  5.        information on the possible way of cancelling the Newsletter service or changing the electronic mail address (e-mail address) of the User, to which the Newsletter is sent.      
  1.        Subscribing to the Newsletter is done by:    
  1.        Provision by the User of his e-mail address at the bottom of the page https:/en.localo.com in the field titled "Become a master of local Google".    
  3.        User's consent to receive commercial information to the e-mail address provided in the form, in accordance with the Act of July 18, 2002 on the provision of electronic services,    
  5.        Acceptance of these Terms and Conditions by the User,    
  7.        Clicking the "Subscribe" button,    
  9.        LOCALO sends an activation link to the email address provided to confirm the order of the Newsletter service in an email sent by LOCALO with the title "Welcome to Newsletter". Clicking on the activation link adds the Customer's e-mail address to LOCALO's mailing list.    

  1.        Providing the User's e-mail address is necessary for the Newsletter service.    
  3.        LOCALO indicates that each Newsletter contains:    
  1.        information about LOCALO as the sender of the Newsletter and providing the "Subject" defining the content of the Newsletter,    
  3.        concise information regarding the method of cancellation of the Newsletter service by the Customer or a change of the electronic mail address (e-mail address) of this Customer, to which the Newsletter is sent,    
  1.        The use of the Electronic Services described in these Regulations is subject to the Customer's possession of a computer or other multimedia device with access to the Internet and to the possession by such Customer of an active electronic mail (e-mail) address.     


  1.        The user can choose from three possible subscriptions:    
  3.        Free - free plan,    
  5.        Development - paid plan,    
  7.        Agency - paid plan,    

which provide tools to achieve the best possible position for the client's website in the free (natural, organic) search results for selected phrases and keywords (SEO).

1a. LOCALO provides, free of charge, for Users who have an Account on the Site with a connected business card Google Moja Firma additional functionality Service called LOCALO  SITES consisting of the possibility of automatic construction of pages by these Users.This functionality is available both in the free plan
and paid plans

1b. The functionality referred to in section 1a above can be activated by two clicks: the first one: the User should go to the websites tab on his/her Account and the second click: User should click on the publish button.  

1c. LOCALO will endeavor to ensure the continued operation of the functionality described in Section 1a above, however, at this time this functionality is in the testing phase and thus LOCALO reserves, among other things, the possibility of withdrawing this functionality in the future, By using the Site and the functionality described in Section 1a above, the User, by accepting these theseTerms and Conditions, you acknowledge that the functionality described in Section 1a above is in the testing phase,
and therefore may only be temporary and withdrawn by LOCALO. In the event that this functionality is withdrawn, LOCALO will inform Users at least 14 (fourteen) days prior to its withdrawal.

1d. During the test phase, the Functionality described in Section 1a is free of charge for Users of the Services. Upon completion of the testing phase, LOCALO will decide on what terms it will make available to its Users. above functionality, of which Users will be informed at least 30 (thirty) days prior to the introduction of fees for the use of this functionality. 

1e. Notwithstanding the provisions indicated in 1c and 1d, in any case the Service User will be able to retain the results (archive) of the use of the functionality described in 1a above. In addition, the Service User will not lose access to the page created as part of the functionality described in Item 1a above, even after discontinuing use of the Service (under the free or paid plan) unless, prior to discontinuing use of the Service, he/she clicks on the icon in his/her Account allowing the deletion of the page so created, 

1f. Once a user stops using the Service (under a free or paid plan) will not be able to update the data on the page created under the functionality described in 1a above, in the event that such User deletes such page on his/her Account, because once the User stops using the Service completely, the User will lose access to his/her company profile on the Account. When the User returns to using the Service again (under a free or paid plan), he/she will have the option to update such page under the functionality described in section 1a.

  1.        Subscription analysis results are presented in the form of charts, reports, summaries, etc.    
  3.        Most of the analysis is done in real time, processing them can take a few minutes. Some of the functionalities, for example: estimated site traffic or number of keywords, are taken from a pre-calculated database.    
  5.        LOCALO reserves the right to present the results of analyses conducted not in real time.    
  7.        Through its Account, the Customer has access to the results of its queries for the last three months, although in the case of Free Account Users, access may be limited to a shorter period. For Free Account Users, access to queries is provided by contacting LOCALO by email at:
    and requesting it.    
  9.        LOCALO informs you that the analyses and results are presented for informational purposes only, and the Digital Service is intended for holders of Google company profiles who are able to use them properly. Analyses are not to be used as guidance or recommendations, and taking any action based on the results obtained is completely voluntary. Accordingly, LOCALO is not responsible for the use of data obtained through the Service and its results.    
  11.        If the Customer forgets/loses the password he/she provided during registration, he/she has the option to use the " Reset Password" functionality, which will generate and send a message to the email address provided during registration with a link to reset the password.    
  13.        Each Account after registration is assigned to only one User and only that User is its owner. LOCALO notes that it is not possible to assign, transfer or otherwise transfer (resell Accounts) existing User Accounts to other entities. This also applies to existing Account limits. LOCALO also notes that it is not possible for several Users or other third parties to share the same Account.    
  15.        The exact and current scope of functionality of the Website and LOCALO Services offered through it by LOCALO is available at https://localo.com/pricing.    


  1.        LOCALO shall take measures to ensure the fully correct operation of the Website,
    to the extent of current technical knowledge,and undertakes to remove any irregularities reported by Customers within a reasonable period of time.    
  3.        The Customer shall immediately notify LOCALO of any irregularities or interruptions in the operation of the Service.    
  5.        Irregularities related to the functioning of the Service may be reported by the Customer in writing to the address of LOCALO's registered office or electronically to [email protected].    
  7.        In the complaint, the Customer should provide his/her name, mailing address, type and date of occurrence of irregularities related to the functioning of the Service.    


  1.        The provisions of this paragraph apply only to Consumers. LOCALO's liability under warranty with respect to a Customer who is not a Consumer is excluded.     
  3.        LOCALO's obligation is to provide the Customer with LOCALO Services in accordance with the Sales Agreement.     
  5.        The basis and principles of LOCALO's liability are determined by the laws in force in the territory of the Republic of Poland, in particular the provisions contained in the Act of May 30, 2014 on consumer rights (i.e. January 28, 2020. (Journal of Laws of 2020, item 287).     
  7.        The LOCALO Service provided to the Customer by LOCALO must be in accordance with the Sales Agreement:     
  1.        at the time of its delivery - in case the LOCALO Service is delivered at one time or in parts;     
  3.        for the entire period of delivery of a given LOCALO Service - in case the LOCALO Service is delivered continuously.    
  1.        If the LOCALO Service is inconsistent with the Sales Agreement, the Consumer may demand that it be brought into conformity with the Sales Agreement.    
  3.        Complaints about LOCALO Services can be submitted:    
  1.        in writing to the address LOCALO Sp. z o.o. Pl. Solny 14/3, 50-062, Wroclaw, Poland,    
  3.        in the form of an email to: [email protected],    
  5.        In writing directly at LOCALO's headquarters during its opening hours.    
  1.        LOCALO shall be liable for non-compliance:     
  1.        existing at the time of delivery of the LOCALO Service and disclosed within 2 (two) years from that time - in case the LOCALO Service is delivered at one time or in parts;     
  3.        disclosed during the period of delivery of the LOCALO Service - in case the LOCALO Service is delivered continuously.    
  1.        The complaint should contain data that will make it possible to identify the Customer and respond to the complaint (name and surname or name of the applicant, address/e-mail address
    depending on whether the Customer wishes to receive a response to the complaint via snail mail or electronic mail, indication of the reason for the complaint and the content of the request, as well as indication by the Customer of the preferred method of informing the Customer about It is recommended to attach to the complaint documents that substantiate it and may be helpful in resolving the complaint.    
  3.        If the data or information provided in the complaint needs to be supplemented, LOCALO will ask the customer making the complaint to supplement it before processing the complaint.    
  5.        Complaints about LOCALO Services will be reviewed individually within 14 days of receipt of the complaint in question.    
  7.        The response to the complaint is given in writing by regular mail or in the form of an e-mail message by e-mail, depending on the way preferred by the Customer to inform about the manner of processing the complaint, and if such a way was not indicated depending on the manner of filing the complaint. If the complaint is not accepted, LOCALO will notify the Customer stating the reasons for this decision.    
  9.        Disputes between the Customer and LOCALO regarding the submitted LOCALO Service Order shall be considered by a common court of competent jurisdiction in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure.    
  11.        A customer who is a Consumer has the possibility to use out-of-court ways of handling complaints and claims, including, in particular, the right to:    
  1.        to apply to a permanent amicable consumer court operating at the provincial inspectorates of the Trade Inspection with a request to resolve a dispute arising from a concluded sales contract (Act of December 15, 2000 on the Trade Inspection, i.e. Journal of Laws of 2020, item 1706);    
  3.        to apply to the provincial inspector of the Trade Inspection with a request to initiate mediation proceedings for an amicable settlement of the dispute with the Seller.    
  1.        The consumer has the right to obtain free assistance in resolving a dispute between the consumer and LOCALO in the form of free assistance from the district (city) consumer ombudsman or a social organization whose statutory tasks include consumer protection.    
  3.        Detailed information on the possibility for the Consumer
    touseout-of-court procedures for handling complaints, as well as to assert claims, and the rules of access to these procedures may be available at the offices and on the websites of district (city) consumer ombudsmen, social organizations whose statutory tasks include consumer protection, Provincial Inspectorates of Trade Inspection, primarily at the following web address of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection    


  1.        The President of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection keeps an open register of entities authorized to conduct proceedings for out-of-court settlement of consumer disputes.    
  3.        The use of possible out-of-court means of handling complaints and claims is possible only after the completion of the complaint procedure and is voluntary - both parties, i.e. the Consumer and LOCALO must agree to the procedure.    
  5.        A consumer can also use the online consumer dispute resolution platform (ODR platform), i.e. under Regulation (EU) No. 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of May 21, 2013 on online consumer dispute resolution and amending Regulation (EC) No. 2006/2004 and Directive 2009/22/EC (Regulation on ODR in consumer disputes).     
  7.        The European ODR platform is an interactive website through which Consumers can file their complaints. Below is the electronic link to the ODR platform: https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/main/index.cfm?event=main.home.chooseLanguage    
  9.        The premise of the ODR platform is to facilitate the independent, impartial, transparent, effective, fast and fair out-of-court online resolution of disputes between consumers and traders regarding contractual obligations arising
    from online sales or service contracts between consumers residing in the Union and traders established in the Union.    


  1.        In the event of non-compliance of the LOCALO Service with the contract, the Consumer shall have the rights set forth in the Act of May 30, 2014 on Consumer Rights (Journal of Laws of 2014, item 827, as amended).     
  3.        LOCALO shall inform the Consumer of the updates, including those relating to security, necessary for the LOCALO Service to be in compliance with the contract and shall provide them to the Consumer for the duration of the Sales Agreement or as reasonably expected by the Consumer if the LOCALO Service is provided at one time or in parts. LOCALO shall not be liable for the non-compliance of the Digital Service with the contract in the situation where the Consumer, despite being informed of the need to install updates and being provided with the correct user manual with the consequences of not installing such updates, the Consumer fails to install them or does so incorrectly.    
  5.        LOCALO may refuse to bring the LOCALO Service into compliance with the Sales Agreement if bringing the LOCALO Service into compliance with the Sales Agreement is impossible or would require excessive costs for the entrepreneur.    
  7.        LOCALO shall bring the LOCALO Service into conformity with the Sales Agreement within a reasonable time from the moment LOCALO is informed by the Consumer of the lack of conformity with the Sales Agreement, and without undue inconvenience to the Consumer, taking into account their nature and the purpose for which they are used. The costs of bringing the LOCALO Service into conformity with the Sales Agreement shall be borne by LOCALO.    
  9.        If the LOCALO Service is inconsistent with the Sales Agreement, the Consumer may submit a statement on price reduction or withdrawal from the Sales Agreement when:    
  11.         to bring the LOCALO Service into compliance with the Sales Agreement is impossible or requires excessive costs,    
  13.        LOCALO has not brought the LOCALO Service into compliance with the Sales Agreement,    
  15.        LOCALO's failure to bring the LOCALO Service into compliance with the Sales Agreement continues even though LOCALO has attempted to bring the LOCALO Service into compliance with the Sales Agreement;    
  17.        the lack of compliance of LOCALO's Service with the Sales Agreement is so significant as to justify either a reduction in the price or cancellation of the Sales Agreement without first resorting to LOCALO's request to bring it into compliance with the Sales Agreement,    
  19.        it is clear from LOCALO's statement or circumstances that it will not bring LOCALO's Services into conformity with the Sales Agreement within a reasonable time or without undue inconvenience to the Consumer.    
  1.        The reduced price must remain in such proportion to the price under the Sales Contract as the value of the LOCALO Services not in compliance with the Contract of Sale remains to the value of the LOCALO Services in compliance with the Sales Contract. If the Sales Agreement stipulates that the LOCALO Services are provided in parts or continuously, the price reduction must take into account the time during which the LOCALO Services remained non-conforming to the Sales Agreement.    
  3.        The consumer may not withdraw from the contract if the LOCALO Service is provided in exchange for payment of a price, and the lack of conformity of the LOCALO Service with the Sales Contract is immaterial.     
  5.        LOCALO is obliged to refund the price only in the part corresponding to the LOCALO Service that does not comply with the Sales Contract or LOCALO Service, the obligation to provide which has fallen off due to the withdrawal from the Sales Contract.    
  7.        LOCALO shall refund to the Consumer the price due as a result of exercising the right to withdraw from the Sales Contract or reduce the price immediately, no later than within 14 days from the date of receipt of the Consumer's statement on withdrawal from the Sales Contract or price reduction.    
  9.        LOCALO shall refund the price using the same method of payment used by the Consumer, unless the Consumer has expressly agreed to a different method of refund that does not incur any costs for the Consumer.    
  11.        The rules contained in these Regulations regarding the Consumer shall apply to an individual who enters into a contract directly related to his/her business activity, when it is clear from the content of the contract that it is not of a professional nature for that person, arising in particular from the subject of his/her business activity, made available on the basis of the regulations on the Central Register and Information on Business Activity.    


  1.        If LOCALO fails to deliver the LOCALO SERVICE within the period indicated in § 1.4 of the Terms and Conditions, the Customer who is a Consumer has the right to summon LOCALO to deliver it. Such summons may be sent by e-mail, to the address indicated in § 1 paragraph 7.    
  3.        If the Supplier fails to deliver the LOCALO SERVICE promptly after receiving the request referred to above, or fails to deliver the LOCALO SERVICE within an additional period of time agreed with the Customer, the Customer may withdraw from the LOCALO SERVICE Delivery Agreement.     
  5.        Withdrawal from the Agreement for the provision of LOCALO Services requires, in order to be valid, that the Customer submit a statement of withdrawal to LOCALO. Such statement may be sent by e-mail, to the address indicated in § 1 paragraph 7 of the Regulations.     
  7.        If the withdrawal concerns the Sales Agreement, LOCALO is obliged to refund the price paid by the Customer for this Service § 1 immediately, but no later than within 14 (fourteen) days from the date of receipt of the Customer's statement of withdrawal from the Sales Agreement. Refund of the Price shall be made using the same method of payment used by the Customer, unless the Customer has expressly agreed to a different method of refund, which shall be at no cost to the Customer.     
  9.        The Consumer may withdraw from the Sales Agreement without calling for delivery of LOCALO Services if:    
  1.        it is clear from LOCALO's statement or circumstances that it will not provide LOCALO Services or    
  3.        The Consumer and LOCALO have agreed, or it is clear from the circumstances of the conclusion of the Sales Agreement, that the specified date for the delivery of LOCALO Services was of material importance to the Consumer, and LOCALO failed to deliver them within that date.    
  1.        In accordance with the content of Article 38 of the Act of May 30, 2014 on Consumer Rights (Journal of Laws of 2014, item 827, as amended), the right of withdrawal from a contract concluded off-premises or at a distance is not granted to the Consumer with respect to contracts:    
  1.        for the provision of services, if the entrepreneur has performed the service in full with the express consent of the consumer, who was informed before the performance, that after the performance by the entrepreneur will lose the right to withdraw from the contract;    
  3.        in which the price or remuneration depends on fluctuations in the financial market, over which the trader does not control, and which may occur before the deadline for withdrawal;    
  5.        in which the object of performance is a non-refabricated good, produced to the consumer's specifications or serving to meet his individualized needs;    
  7.        in which the object of performance is goods that are perishable or have a short shelf life;    
  9.        in which the subject of performance is goods delivered in sealed packaging, which cannot be returned after opening the packaging for health or hygienic reasons, if the packaging has been opened after delivery;";in which the subject of performance are things which, after delivery, due to their nature, are inseparably connected with other things;    
  11.        in which the object of performance is goods, which after delivery, due to their nature, become inseparable from other goods;    
  13.        in which the object of performance is alcoholic beverages, the price of which was agreed upon at the conclusion of the contract of sale, the delivery of which can only take place after 30 days and the value of which depends on market fluctuations over which the entrepreneur has no control;    
  15.        in which the consumer expressly requested that the trader come to him for urgent repair or maintenance; if the trader provides in addition other services than those requested by the consumer, or provides things other than spare parts necessary for repair or maintenance, the consumer has the right to withdraw from the contract with respect to the additional services or things;    
  17.        in which the subject of performance is sound or visual recordings or computer programs delivered in sealed packaging, if the packaging was opened after delivery;    
  19.        for the supply of daily newspapers, periodicals or magazines, except for a subscription contract;    
  21.        concluded through a public auction;    
  23.        for the provision of services in the field of accommodation, other than for residential purposes, transportation of goods, rental of cars, catering, services related to leisure, entertainment, sports or cultural events, if the contract specifies the day or period of service;    
  25.        on the provision of digital content not delivered on a tangible medium, for which the consumer is obliged to pay the price, if the trader started the performance with the express and prior consent of the consumer, who was informed before the start of the performance that after the performance by the trader he will lose the right to withdraw from the contract, and accepted it, and the trader provided the consumer with the confirmation referred to in Article 15 (1) and (2) or Article 21 (1) of the Law of May 30, 2014 on consumer rights;    
  27.        for the supply of digital content that is not recorded on a tangible medium, if the performance has begun with the express consent of the consumer before the expiry of the deadline for withdrawal from the contract and after the trader has informed him of the loss of the right of withdrawal.    


  1.         Within 30 days from the date of activation of the first subscription for a given Slot, the Customer has the right to cancel the subscription without giving any reason. It is then necessary to contact LOCALO via email to the address indicated in § 1.7 or via chat in the application and express the desire to receive a refund for the activation of the subscription. In such a case, LOCALO will refund the fee paid by the Customer within 14 days from the date of cancellation of the subscription. LOCALO indicates that Customers:    
  3.        cannot claim a refund for second and subsequent subscription purchases for the same Google My Business account,    
  5.        may not claim more than a total of three refunds for cancelling subscriptions without giving a reason.    
  7.        If the subscription is canceled after the aforementioned 30-day period, no refund will be given.    
  9.        In order to unsubscribe, deactivate or delete a Slot, the User may send a message informing about such intention to LOCALO: Pl. Solny 14/3, 50-062, Wroclaw, Poland, or to the e-mail address: [email protected], or perform the aforementioned actions within the relevant functionality of the Service using the appropriate button.    
  1.        The provision of LOCALO Services by LOCALO continues on the Site from the time of subscription until terminated as a result:    
  1.        deactivation of the subscription by the Customer,    
  3.        lack of funds on the Customer's payment card and three unsuccessful attempts to debit the card, if the Customer chooses to pay with a payment card,    
  5.        expiration of the period for which the Sales Agreement was concluded in the case of a one-time subscription for a period of 12 months.    
  1.        When the Customer deactivates his subscription for a particular Slot, he will have access to the historical data for that Slot, but the data will not be updated until the subscription is reactivated. If a Slot is completely deleted by the Customer from his/her account, all data pertaining to that Slot is irretrievably deleted.    
  3.        If another Slot is added during a given Billing Period, the second and each subsequent VAT invoice for subscriptions for that Slot will be billed and issued on the same day, along with invoices for all other Customer subscriptions.    
  5.        LOCALO may make a change to the LOCALO Service that is not necessary for its compliance with the Sales Agreement only if the Sales Agreement so provides, and only for the legitimate reasons indicated in the Sales Agreement. However, LOCALO may not make a change to the LOCALO Service provided on a one-time basis.    
  7.        The implementation of the change referred to in paragraph 5 will not incur any costs on the part of the Consumer.    
  9.        LOCALO shall inform the Consumer in a clear and understandable manner about the change being made, as referred to in paragraph 5.    
  11.        If the change to the LOCALO Services referred to in Paragraph 5 above materially and adversely affects the Consumer's access to or use of the LOCALO Services, LOCALO shall inform the Consumer well in advance on a durable medium of the nature and timing of the change and the right to terminate the Sales Agreement in accordance with Paragraphs 9 and 10 below.    
  13.        In the case referred to in paragraph 8, the Consumer may terminate the Sales Agreement without notice within 30 days from the date of the change or notification of the change, if the notification was made later than the change.     
  15.        The provision of paragraph 9 shall not apply if LOCALO provides the Consumer with the right to retain, at no additional cost, the LOCALO Service in accordance with the Sales Agreement, in an unaltered condition.    


  1.        A contract for the provision of an Electronic Service of a continuous and indefinite nature (such as maintaining an Account) may be terminated.    
  3.        The user may terminate the contract with immediate effect and without indicating reasons by sending an appropriate statement via e-mail to the following address: [email protected]     
  5.        LOCALO may terminate the agreement for the provision of Electronic Services of a continuous and unlimited nature in the event that the User violates the Terms of Service, in particular, when he provides content of an unlawful nature after an ineffective prior request to cease violations with the setting of an appropriate period of time. The Agreement in such a case expires after 7 days from the date of submission of a statement of intent to terminate the Agreement (notice period).    
  7.        Termination leads to the termination of the legal relationship with future effect.    
  9.        LOCALO and the User may terminate the contract for the provision of Electronic Services at any time by mutual agreement.      


  1.        The Customer may make payment card payments to LOCALO in a simplified form, i.e. without the need to provide all payment card details each time. The token (individual card identifier) is generated based on the payment card data provided by the Customer within the PayU service.    
  3.        In providing the PayU Service, the Payment Operator acts as a payment service provider within the meaning of the Payment Services Act of August 19, 2011 (Journal of Laws 2011.199.1175, as amended). The body that supervises the Payment Operator is the Financial Supervision Commission.    
  5.        In order to use the PayU Service, it is necessary to have a device that allows access to the Internet, including software commonly used to browse its resources.    
  7.        PayU payments made by the Customer to LOCALO include:    
  9.        payments made through electronic transfers, which include non-cash payments in Polish money made through online transfers,    
  11.        payments made with payment cards, covering non-cash payments in Polish money made with payment cards that have been approved by banks for transactions in the Internet environment,    
  13.        payments made using BLIK.    
  1.        Under card payments, the customer can make payments with cards of the VISA and Mastercard organizations, including credit and deferred payment cards, debit cards and business cards.     
  3.        After selecting the PayU payment option when filling out the Order Form, the customer will be taken to a page where they can choose a bank to process the transaction, enter a BLIK code or enter payment card details.    
  5.        The customer may file a complaint if the services ordered from PayU have not been provided or are not provided in accordance with the provisions of the Regulations.     
  7.        The complaint can be submitted in the form:     

a) in writing to PayU: 186 Grunwaldzka Street, 60-166 Poznań, or 

(b) electronically to the e-mail address: [email protected] or 

c) by phone: + 48 61 628 45 05 (the call is charged according to the tariff of the operator whose services the Customer uses), from Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 20:00. 

  1.        The complaint should include at least: the Client's name, e-mail address and a description of the objections raised.     
  3.        If the data or information provided in the complaint needs to be supplemented, before processing the complaint, PayU will ask the complainant to supplement it within the indicated scope and time limit.     
  5.        PayU recognizes the complaint within 14 working days from the date of receipt.     
  7.        The response to the complaint will be provided by PayU in writing or electronically, if the Customer has agreed to it.     
  9.        In connection with the processing of complaints, in order to clarify any issues with payment card issuers, financial institutions, as well as supervisory authorities, PayU may request the Customer to send within 7 days of receiving such a request:     
  1.        additional necessary information regarding the transaction for which the claimed Payment occurred, and     
  3.        copies of documents relating to the execution of the transaction in which the Customer made a Payment made by payment card or bank transfer using the Service, including: a copy of the confirmation of the purchase of goods or services.     
  1.        If the Customer does not agree with the resolution of the complaint provided by PayU, then the Customer has the option:     

a) if the Client is a natural person- requesting that the case be reviewed by the Financial Ombudsman, under the rules set forth in the Act of August 5, 2015 on the handling of complaints by financial market entities and the Financial Ombudsman, 

b) use the Court of Arbitration at the Financial Supervision Commission: https://www.knf.gov.pl/dla_konsumenta/sad_polubowny 

c) to use the EU online ODR platform available at the following web address: http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/ indicating the following PayU address as the first point of contact: [email protected] 

d) if the Customer has the status of a Consumer- turn to the Municipal or District Consumer Ombudsmen for legal assistance, 

(e) take legal action against PayU to a court of general jurisdiction.

  1.        The customer may file a complaint to the body that supervises PayU against its actions. The body that supervises PayU is the Financial Supervision Commission.     
  3.        PayU is not a party to the Sales Contract between LOCALO and the Customer and does not consider complaints related to LOCALO's improper performance of its obligation to the Customer related to the Sales Contract.     
  5.        The Customer's card data is stored by the Payment Operator.    


  1.        All photos and other materials (including texts, graphics, logos, etc.) available on the Website are the property of LOCALO or have been used by LOCALO with the permission of third parties who hold copyrights to them.    
  3.        Copying of photos and other graphic materials, as well as reprinting of any texts available on the Website and their publication on the Internet without the prior written consent of LOCALO or a third party who holds the relevant copyrights is prohibited.    
  5.        Downloading graphic materials from the Website and using them for promotional or commercial purposes is also prohibited for all third parties.    
  7.        Any use of the above materials without the prior written consent of LOCALO or a third party with the relevant copyright is illegal and may be grounds for legal action against the person involved.    


  1.        Disputes arising between LOCALO and the Customer, who is a Consumer as defined by law, are subject to recognition by the courts having jurisdiction over the Consumer's place of residence.    
  3.        Polish law shall apply to these Regulations.    
  5.        LOCALO reserves the right to amend these Regulations.     
  7.        The Regulations or any amendment thereto shall come into force 14 days after their announcement. Amendments to the Regulations do not affect the scope of rights acquired by the Customers. The Client will be informed about the content of the change and the effective date of the change to the Regulations by posting on the website https://localo.com/ and a message about the change, the date of the change and the content of the change to the Regulations, and maintaining this information for at least 14 consecutive calendar days.    
  9.        Customers are responsible for any violations of applicable law and the provisions of these Terms and Conditions when using the Service.    
  11.        The Customer shall be held fully responsible for any violation of applicable law or damage caused by his/her actions in the Online Store, in particular for providing illegal or false information, violation of personal rights or copyright and related rights.    
  13.        LOCALO reserves the right to discontinue the provision of services to Customers, in case of violation or reasonable suspicion of violation by the Customer of applicable law or the provisions of these Regulations.    
  15.        These Regulations shall apply as of 01.01.2024    

Information on the specific risks associated with the use by users of services provided electronically by LOCALO

In order to comply with its obligation under Article 6(1) of the Act of July 18, 2002 on the provision of electronic services, LOCALO hereby informs you of the specific risks associated with the use of electronically provided services by users. LOCALO declares that it applies the necessary and appropriate measures to protect its infrastructure from unauthorized actions and access by third parties, and therefore the risks described below may occur only potentially, but should be taken into account when using the electronically provided services. 

 The primary threats associated with the use of the Internet include:
 - malware, i.e. various types of applications or scripts that have a harmful, criminal or malicious effect on the user's computer system, such as viruses, worms, trojans (Trojan horses), keyloggers, dialers;

- Spyware, or user tracking software, which collects information about the user and sends it - usually without the user's knowledge or consent - to the program's author;

- Spam, or unsolicited and unsolicited e-mails sent simultaneously to multiple recipients, often containing advertising content;

- phishing for sensitive personal information (e.g., passwords) by impersonating a trustworthy person or institution (phishing);

- hacking into a user's ICT system using, among other things, hacking tools such as exploits and rootkits;

To avoid threats, users should stock their computers and other electronic devices they use to connect to the Internet with an antivirus program. Such program should be constantly updated.
 Protection against risks associated with the use of electronic services by Users is also provided by::

- firewall enabled,

- software update,

- Not opening email attachments of unknown origin,

- learning about information when installing applications and their licenses,

- Regular comprehensive system scanning with antivirus and antimalware software,

- data transmission encryption,

- Installation of preventive programs (intrusion detection and prevention),

- Using the original system and applications from a legitimate source.

Appendix 1.


  1.         Right of withdrawal    
  3.         The consumer* has the right to withdraw from the contract within 14 days without giving any reason. The withdrawal period expires after 14 days from the date:    
  1.         for a contract in the performance of which the trader delivers the goods, being obliged to transfer their ownership - from the taking of possession of the goods by the Consumer or a third party other than the carrier designated by the Consumer, and in the case of a contract that:     
  1.         includes multiple goods that are delivered separately, in lots or in parts - from taking possession of the last good, lot or part thereof,     
  3.         consists in the regular delivery of goods for a fixed period of time - from taking possession of the first of the goods;    
  1.         conclusion of the contract - in the case of service contracts.    
  1.         In accordance with the content of Article 38 of the Act of May 30, 2014 on Consumer Rights (Journal of Laws of 2014, item 827, as amended), the right of withdrawal from a contract concluded off-premises or at a distance is not granted to the Consumer with respect to contracts:    
  1.         for the provision of services, if the entrepreneur has performed the service in full with the express consent of the consumer, who was informed before the performance, that after the performance by the entrepreneur will lose the right to withdraw from the contract;    
  3.         in which the price or remuneration depends on fluctuations in the financial market over which the trader has no control, and which may occur before the expiration of the deadline for withdrawal;    
  5.         in which the object of performance is a non-refabricated good, produced to the consumer's specifications or serving to meet his individualized needs;    
  7.         in which the object of performance is goods that are perishable or have a short shelf life;    
  9.         in which the subject of performance is goods delivered in sealed packaging, which cannot be returned after opening the packaging for health or hygienic reasons, if the packaging has been opened after delivery;";in which the subject of performance are things that, after delivery, due to their nature, are inseparably combined with other things;    
  11.         in which the object of performance is goods, which after delivery, due to their nature, become inseparable from other goods;    
  13.         in which the object of performance is alcoholic beverages, the price of which was agreed upon at the conclusion of the contract of sale, the delivery of which can only take place after 30 days and the value of which depends on market fluctuations over which the entrepreneur has no control;    
  15.         in which the consumer expressly requested that the trader come to him for urgent repair or maintenance; if the trader provides in addition other services than those requested by the consumer, or provides things other than spare parts necessary for repair or maintenance, the consumer has the right to withdraw from the contract with respect to the additional services or things;    
  17.         in which the subject of performance is sound or visual recordings or computer programs delivered in sealed packaging, if the packaging was opened after delivery;    
  19.         for the supply of daily newspapers, periodicals or magazines, except for a subscription contract;    
  21.         concluded through a public auction;    
  23.         for the provision of services in the field of accommodation, other than for residential purposes, transportation of goods, rental of cars, catering, services related to leisure, entertainment, sports or cultural events, if the contract specifies the day or period of service;    
  25.         on the provision of digital content not delivered on a tangible medium, for which the consumer is obliged to pay the price, if the trader started the performance with the express and prior consent of the consumer, who was informed before the start of the performance that after the performance by the trader he will lose the right to withdraw from the contract, and accepted it, and the trader provided the consumer with the confirmation referred to in Article 15 (1) and (2) or Article 21 (1) of the Law of May 30, 2014 on consumer rights;    
  27.         for the supply of digital content that is not recorded on a tangible medium, if the performance has begun with the express consent of the consumer before the expiry of the deadline for withdrawal from the contract and after the trader has informed him of the loss of the right of withdrawal.    
  1.         In order to exercise the right of withdrawal, it is sufficient to inform us by sending a statement via e-mail to:  [email protected]  or a letter sent by post to LOCALO Sp. z o.o., based in Wrocław, Plac Solny 14/3, 50-062 Wrocław. The statement should be unambiguous. The consumer may use the template statement of withdrawal from the contract constituting Appendix No. 2 to these Regulations. Use of the template is voluntary.    
  3.         In order to comply with the withdrawal period, it is sufficient for the Consumer to send the withdrawal information indicated above before the expiration of the withdrawal period.    
  1.         Effects of withdrawal from the contract    
  1.         In the event of withdrawal from the Contract, LOCALO shall return to the Consumer all payments received, including delivery costs (except for additional costs resulting from the delivery method chosen by the Consumer other than the cheapest ordinary delivery method offered by LOCALO, promptly in any case no later than 14 days from the day on which LOCALO was informed of the Consumer's decision to exercise the right to withdraw from the sales contract    
  3.         LOCALO will refund the payment using the same means of payment used by the Consumer at the time of ordering, unless the Consumer has expressly agreed otherwise; in any case, the Consumer will not incur any fees in connection with the refund.     
  5.         LOCALO is not obliged to refund the cost of returning the item to LOCALO. The cost of returning the item shall be borne by the Consumer.    
  7.         If LOCALO has not offered to collect the goods from the Consumer itself, it may withhold reimbursement of payments received from the Consumer until it receives the goods back or the Consumer provides proof of return, whichever event occurs first.    
  9.         The consumer is obliged to return the goods to LOCALO or give them to a person authorized by LOCALO to collect them immediately, but no later than 14 days from the day on which he or she withdrew from the contract, unless LOCALO offered to collect the goods itself. To meet the deadline it is sufficient to return the goods before its expiration.    
  11.         If the contract was concluded off-premises and the goods were delivered to the consumer to the place where he resided at the time of the conclusion of the contract, LOCALO is obliged to collect the goods at its own expense, when due to the nature of the goods they cannot be sent back in the usual way by mail.    
  13.         The consumer is liable for any diminution in the value of the goods resulting from the use of the goods beyond what is necessary to ascertain the nature, characteristics and functioning of the goods, unless the entrepreneur failed to inform the consumer of the right to withdraw from the contract as required by Article 12(1)(9) of the Consumer Rights Act.    

* Consumer - a natural person entering into an agreement with LOCALO, the subject of which is not directly related to his/her economic or professional activity, arising in particular from the subject of his/her business activity, made available on the basis of the provisions on the Central Register and Information on Economic Activity.


Appendix 2.

Declaration of loss of the right to withdraw from the contract

(This form must be completed and returned only if you wish to withdraw from the contract)

Addressee: LOCALO Sp. z o.o., based in Wrocław, Plac Solny 14/3, 50-062 Wrocław.

I hereby inform you of my withdrawal from the sales contract.

Start date of service provided: ___________________

Consumer's name: ____________________________________________________

Consumer address: ____________________________________________________________

Service number * ________________________

Invoice number / transaction number from receipt * ________________________

Bank account number for refunds :____________________________________

Consumer's signature (only if the form is sent on paper): _____________

Date: ________________

(*) It is not mandatory to provide the indicated data, however, it will streamline and speed up the return process.

Appendix 3

Declaration of no right to withdraw from the Sales Contract

I agree to the immediate performance and delivery of the digital content and acknowledge that with the delivery I will lose my right to cancel the contract.