The local second hand moves up 60 positions in the rankings

Intuitive interface and simple and effective guidance. Localo is the best local SEO tool I have found on the Polish market!
Kevin Skrzypoń
Top Ciuszek
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The local second hand moves up 60 positions in the rankings

Top Ciuszek

Second hand clothes
Operating since
August 22, 2022
Top Ciuszek is a second-hand and outlet clothing shop for anyone looking for extraordinary second-hand fashion. Our shop, located in Rząski near Kraków, offers reasonably priced and best-quality products. We have outlet clothing, exciting designs, and forms in line with the latest trends.
Intuitive interface and simple and effective guidance. Localo is the best I have found on the Polish market!

The effect

Grid after

Table of contents

- The effect

- Goal

- Challenge

- The result

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Although we have little competition in our locality, being located in the suburbs of Krakow, we also target customers from the city living nearby or coming directly to our shop. 

We aimed to reach new customers, including those living closer to the city center, without a large advertising budget. The best way to do this was to achieve a high position in Google searches.


The biggest challenge was to find a way to outperform our competitors in more favorable locations in the rankings. When we decided to use the Localo tool, we saw it was relatively easy.


Localo showed us step-by-step what we needed to add or improve to achieve our goal. Thanks to the tool's suggestions, we set up the correct categories that allowed us to reach as many customers as possible and gain feedback.

When working on the visibility of our Google profile, the most crucial thing was adding information about us in various business directories and portals grouping local businesses. We were given a list of specific sites where we should appear. It took some time to do this, but it was worth it!

Learn more about Business Citations>

Localo guidelines are precise, and once the Smart Tasks functionality is in place, we dedicate an hour a week to completing tasks. As a result, we enjoy a consistently high ranking on Google

Kevin Skrzypoń
Top Ciuszek
"Intuitive interface and simple and effective guidance. Localo is the best I have found on the Polish market! "

The result

The effect of the changes made and my actions exceeded my wildest expectations. Our shop was practically at the bottom of the ranking on the first day with Localo. The next day we jumped 60 positions up. 

In the Localo Statistics, we look at how a high ranking translates into real customer contacts, and we notice a steady increase in the number of phone calls or designated routes to our location.

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