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Marketing tools for small business: the best marketing tools all in one place

Discover top marketing tools for small businesses ➢ Free and affordable apps to reach your target audience ➢ Enhance your marketing strategy. Learn more!

Sebastian Żarnowski

Sebastian Żarnowski

Co-founder & CEO

What is your business visibility?

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Business visibility

Business visibility – it defines how visible your business is to customers in the region. Check the visibility of any business, even your competitors.

Localo progress
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Digital marketing provides a unique opportunity by providing business tools for small businesses to gain greater market penetration.If you have already established your company and have products or services ready to sell, or if you have been in business for a while and want to increase revenue, you can certainly do so with the help of the internet and effective marketing strategies.

Content marketing tools, analytics tools, and marketing automation tools can significantly enhance your digital marketing efforts. By investing in online marketing, you can expect to see an excellent return on investment, with outstanding financial results.

To further amplify the power of digital marketing, there are special online small business marketing tools to help you implement your marketing strategy faster, easier, and much better than manually. Choose a free tool or a digital marketing tool that suits your needs to get started.

Here is a complete list of online marketing tools for small businesses 👇

1. Free online business profile - Google Business Profile

Google business profile is one of the top digital marketing tools for a small business. First of all, it’s free. You can manage it yourself. It generates conversions for your business, such as going to your website, routing to your business, calling your business, or writing to your business through a dedicated option.‍

google business profile - free business profile for small business owners

2. Positioning and monitoring of Google Business profile

Localo Marketing Tool

If you already have a business profile or plan to create one, you can’t forget to promote it. In this case, you can get help with theGoogle business profile audit from Localo (One of the best digital marketing tools). This tool will help you learn what and how to improve your business profile so that it is consistently high in the local search results, translating into more customers and thus more sales of products or services.

Stay alert and react immediately to changes. With the local rank tracker from Localo, you’ll constantly have your finger on the pulse, or more precisely, an eye on how visible your business is on Google and how it compares to the competition. Zero manual work. Localo will check your company’s position from time to time, record it and, in addition, inform you where your business stands on a given day or week. It is at the top of the list of small business tools and SEO tools.

Getting reviews of your business is extremely important for building customer relationships and establishing a strong online presence. First, it boosts the company’s authority on the internet and confirms quality for potential customers who want to take advantage of its offer. Additionally, reviews are a ranking factor for a company profile on Google.

In short, this means that the more reviews you have, the more visible it is on Google search results, so more customers see it, and the more people learn about your company, which directly translates into sales of the products or services your company offers. This visibility is particularly crucial for attracting local customers.

If soliciting reviews creates an image of hard and long work in your head, no worries, we have an excellent solution for you.

TheGoogle review poster from Localo is a solution that will handle reviews for your business. In 30 seconds, you will prepare a poster, which you can then, for example, stick on the wall, door, put on the counter, give to customers to order, or add to the menu in the restaurant - use it however you want. That’s all, from now on, you will get reviews much easier :)

3. Creating a website

Every business, even a small business, needs a website, and there is no point in debating about it. Nowadays, practically every user checks a company’s Google business profile and website and its offerings before taking advantage of it.

We realize, just like you, that you don’t have programming skills, so you cannot build a website for your business in HTML code by yourself.

Ready-made and easy-to-use website builders will come to your aid. These are:

Localo Site - The Best Free AI Website Builder for Small Businesses

Creating a business website has never been easier. With Localo’sAI-powered website builder, you can create a professional and optimized business website in seconds, entirely for free.

localo site - landing page builder


Canva: With this tool, you can quickly create a simple and user-friendly website template. Additionally, you can use multiple templates. Unfortunately, Canva is no longer free of charge compared to the examples above.

canva websites templates


Webflow: This is another website builder that allows you to create a website from A to Z. You can buy a ready-made template, change the content, and, if you want, the graphics and colors, and publish the page. Webflow is not free as well as Canva. ‍

webflow - website builder


Wix: A very simple website builder that is also SEO ready, but… Many developers complained about Wix some time ago that it was very limited, and it was hard to make significant changes to the code of a website. Maybe this has changed. You have to check it out :)

wix - website builder for a small business

4. Website positioning

If you create a website, you will want or just need to position it with the help of one of the best and most popular small business marketing tools on the market, which is also very easy to use - Surfer SEO.

Surfer SEO

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) made easy. All you need to do is enter the main keyword for which you want to position the website or the entire domain. You can also “drop” your domain into Surfer SEO.

Later, based on the data you receive, Surfer will develop basically a full content marketing strategy with ready-made guidelines for you, based on which you will create high-quality content for your website and thus increase its visibility on Google. That means no more tedious keyword research for you. You can also use some tutorials before you start.

content planner - surfer seo

content planner - surfer seo

5. Website monitoring

Your website, just like your company profile on Google, should be monitored. You need to keep an eye on what’s happening on it, how it’s visible in the search engines, for what keywords, and how customers are finding it. And most importantly, you have to know if your marketing strategy is paying off.

Many different marketing tools can come to your aid. We’ll list the ones we think work best and are easy to use.

Google Search Console

Google Search Console: This is one of the free tools from Google that will allow you to monitor your entire domain for free! You will find out what keywords your users type to find your site, how many people click on the keywords, etc. Setup should not be complicated for you. ‍

google search console insights for a small business

google search console queries

Google Analytics

Google Analytics: It is another of the free marketing tools that Google provides to monitor your website. Google Analytics is a marketing tool that allows us to have a more in-depth analysis of the website traffic like the age of the users, country, language, their interests, the channels from which they come to the website, etc.

Google Analytics

Mangools SERP Watcher

Mangools SERP Watcher: This is another marketing tool that you can use to monitor your company’s website. You can use it to select the keywords you want the software to constantly monitor and verify your site’s position for those particular keywords. Additionally, it shows you how much traffic you have from a given keyword and how often that keyword is typed into Google search by users.

Mangools - SERPWatcher

6. Create high-quality graphics

You’ve undoubtedly needed to create some graphics more than once, and you’ll certainly continue to need to do so. Whether it’s a website, social media profile, or a company profile on Google, we can publish graphics. Why wouldn’t you take advantage of such an opportunity? Ps. you do not have to be a graphic designer to create basic graphics yourself. All you need is a good and simple tool, that’s all.


Canva: A tool tailored to your needs. It’s easy, intuitive, powerful, and cheap (or even free). You can use it to create high-quality graphics, which you can then download in a format convenient to you and publish wherever you like :)

Canva for small business

7. Image optimization tools

The picture you developed will not always be ready to be published on your website. Or maybe you already have some photos posted on your website that weigh a lot and thus slow down your website and its loading time, affecting its positioning? Don’t worry, of course. There are special tools for this.


TinyPNG: It is a tool that is very popular for optimizing graphic weight. It can reduce the weight of graphics several times, which after adding such optimized graphics to the website, will make it load much faster for the users. A shorter load time will positively impact the user experience and the rejection rate and translate into better visibility of the website on Google.

Tiny PNG


TinyJPG: This is the same as above, except for JPG graphics rather than PNG formats.

Tiny JPG

8. Grammar and spelling checker

Wondering if you’re making mistakes when writing content for your website, your company profile on Google, or social media? No worries. Just find a good and effective tool that you add as a plug-in to your browser, and that will constantly monitor whether you are making grammatical and stylistic mistakes while creating content.


Grammarly: If you want to write in English, a great tool, solution, and facilitator for your work will be Grammarly. It will help you make sure that everything in your published content matches up grammatically, stylistically, etc. I’m sure there are other substitutes for this tool for other countries and languages . Just search in Google :)


9. Quick content creation

Are you struggling to find an idea for an entry? Don’t know how to do it? Don’t know what to write? Do you want to create a content strategy in a blink of an eye? We have the perfect solution that solves all your problems and answers the above questions.

Copy Shark

Copy Shark : It is a tool with which you can create content in a blink of an eye and really from nothing. All you have to do is choose in the menu which channel you want to write content for and what topic, and that’s it, now all you have to do is click the button: Create content. Done. You just created a Facebook post in 5 seconds. Works in more than 100 languages .

Copy Shark

10. Manage multiple company profiles. Social media tools for a small business owner.

Do you have several profiles on social media such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, and are you tired of having to publish the same post separately on each platform? We have a great solution to the complexity of social media marketing that lets you schedule posts - Buffer. This social media management tool is an essential part of any project management tool kit. Buffer simplifies your marketing tasks by allowing you to publish posts on multiple platforms simultaneously. It’s like having several communication tools in one, ensuring consistent and efficient communication across all your social media profiles.


Buffer: This tool allows you to publish the same social media posts on several different social media platforms with one click. Amazing right? If you just don’t want to waste time publishing social media posts to your profiles, and you have several of them, consider trying this tool. One of the most popular social media marketing tools.


11. Mass email marketing (newsletter, promotion, etc.)

Want to send newsletters, promotions, and other marketing content to your users or customers? Great! It’s one of the cheapest marketing channels you can manage quickly and easily. Unfortunately, the only problem you will face is acquiring emails from your customers. It’s good if you have a minimum of a hundred of them. Once you get them, use email marketing tools to keep them engaged and informed about what your company is doing.


Mailchimp: This is a tool with which you can easily and quickly send the same email to hundreds and thousands of email addresses of your customers. This tool has many features that allow you to monitor all your email marketing campaigns and measure their effectiveness.


12. Monitor your brand and keep track of essential topics emerging online

Have you ever wondered if there is a tool that prepares you a ready-made report of articles, posts, and videos every morning? Including information about your or your competitors’ company that appeared somewhere, containing phrases like dentist ranking ?

Yes, there are such small business marketing tools. We have to admit that they are incredibly useful, especially if you want to contribute as quickly as possible under thematic posts and articles on the internet.


Awario: It is a perfect and effective tool with which you can monitor practically the entire internet. Just type in your website address, your brand, competitors’ brand, or some keywords, and you’re good. Every day, the tool will create a list of posts, and blog entries, showing you each blog post mentioning your brand that comes up, etc.

These words, your company or competitors’ company appeared so you will be up to date. You will have the possibility to react quickly and refer to the given material in the comments.


13. Company Mailbox

Every company should have a company mailbox, which is not subject to any discussion. This way, your messages will be treated better by those who read them and enjoy more authority. A completely different and better-looking email address is [email protected] than [email protected] . So how to create such an email address for your company?

Google Workspace

Google workspace: This is one of the best options for business. More and more companies use it. In Google workspace, you can manage your company mailbox, employee mailboxes, domain, buy company domain, and many other things at a very affordable price.

google workspace

14. Customer and order management - CRM tools

CRM ( Customer Relationship Management ) tools were created to automate sales processes in companies and are known worldwide for their ability to streamline the entire sales process, reduce its time to a minimum and perform many actions simply automatically or semi-automatically.

For example, a CRM tool can send a message saying that you are about to write back to a user who filled out an application form on your website. Additionally, it can do this at any other stage. They also allow you to segregate customers, create separate actions for them, etc. Almost every company should have a CRM.


Pipedrive: It’s a tool tailored to any growing company that is looking for a simple and effective CRM tool. It has many features to help you grow your business and manage customers, sales, etc. After clicking See all plan features, you can find the entire (long) list of features on the pricing subpage.



Engagebay - is an integrated marketing, sales, support, and CRM solution designed to help small to midsize enterprises acquire, engage and convert website visitors into customers. The cloud-based platform lets businesses use marketing tools to build relationships with customers and retain them for a lifetime.


15. Create video content faster and easier than ever

I’m sure there have been many times when you wanted to create a video for yourself, your company, or your friend, but you didn’t know how to do it or where to start. I can safely say that from now on, you can forget about this problem. We come to help you and your marketing team!


Promo: this is a tool to quickly and easily create a new video for your company. You can create videos for ads, products, explanations of how a service is performed, or Facebook posts while having fun and not believing how easy it is. You can use free video libraries, which means you don’t have to have your content. You will do everything from scratch in Promo.

How do I know which marketing tools for small business I need?

Did you find any of them indispensable when you were browsing through the list of tools above? Or maybe one that will allow you to develop your business, its offer, or one that could help you in your work and daily duties making them much easier and more efficient? If so, don’t hesitate and try them out as soon as possible.

Many of them offer a free version, such as trial periods or a 30-day money-back guarantee, including Localo , so don’t hesitate and test these marketing tools, make a set of those that suit you best, and develop your small business easier, faster, and better with them.

Scale your business with digital marketing tools

Right digital marketing tools will allow you to efficiently execute your digital marketing strategy, help your marketing efforts, manage your business better and open up new opportunities for you to grow your small business.

Do not hesitate to invest in your business when the return on investment can be several times higher in the following years. Good luck!

Is there a tool we forgot to add that should be on this list?

Be sure to let us know: [email protected]

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