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Paulina Rysz

Paulina Rysz

Customer Success Team

What is Inbound Marketing - Definition [Marketing Dictionary]

What is Inbound Marketing

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Business visibility – it defines how visible your business is to customers in the region. Check the visibility of any business, even your competitors.

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Inbound Marketing - is a marketing strategy that involves attracting customers by creating relevant content and experiences tailored to their needs. Rather than directly reaching target audiences through traditional advertising methods, inbound marketing focuses on capturing their attention through content that is useful and interesting to them, such as blogs, articles, e-books, videos, webinars and more.

Inbound Marketing strategies

How does Inbound Marketing strategy work?

Inbound marketing starts with attracting relevant visitors, using SEO (Search Engine Optimization), social media and content marketing. With these tools, users looking for solutions offered by the company are directed to the website. Once they are attracted, the stage of converting visitors into leads follows. To do this, inbound marketing uses forms, landing pages and call-to-actions, which encourage visitors to leave their contact details in exchange for access to valuable content. The next step is to close the sale, where marketing automation tools and lead nurturing techniques help convert leads into customers. Finally, post-purchase, inbound marketing continues to engage customers through helpful content, support and interactions, increasing the chances of repeat purchases and recommendations, building brand loyalty.

Pillars of Inbound Marketing

An effective inbound marketing strategy is based on four main pillars, which together form a coherent and effective marketing strategy:

  • Content - this is the basis of inbound marketing. Content must be valuable, educational and targeted to a specific persona in order to attract the right visitors and build trust.
  • SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) - search engine optimisation is key to ensure content is visible and easily found by the target audience. This includes both on-page SEO (e.g. keywords, meta tags) and off-page SEO (e.g. link building).
  • Social Media - social media is an important channel for inbound marketing to build communities, share content and interact directly with customers.
  • Analysis and Optimisation - inbound marketing requires constant monitoring and analysis of data to understand what is working and what needs improvement.

Advantages of Inbound Marketing

  1. Cost-effectiveness: Inbound marketing is often less costly than traditional outbound methods because it relies on organically attracting hits through content that generates value in itself.
  2. Higher engagement: The content offered by inbound marketing tends to be more engaging and tailored to the audience, leading to deeper interaction.
  3. Higher quality leads: Inbound marketing efforts attract users who have already shown interest in the company’s products or services, which usually translates into higher quality leads.
  4. Long-term benefits: Content created for inbound marketing, such as articles or videos, can attract traffic to a website long after it has been published.
  5. Better measurability: Inbound marketing offers the ease of tracking various metrics, such as the number of visits, conversion rate or ROI, which allows for an accurate analysis of the effectiveness of activities.
  6. Building trust and authority: Providing valuable content on a regular basis helps to build trust and the perception of your brand as an expert in your industry.

Inbound Marketing vs. Outbound

Inbound and outbound marketing are two fundamentally different brand promotion strategies that differ in their approach to customer communication. Inbound marketing campaign focuses on attracting customers through valuable content such as articles, blogs or webinars that are tailored to the needs and interests of potential customers. Outbound marketing, on the other hand, is a more common form of marketing that involves reaching a wide audience directly through TV commercials, radio ads, telemarketing or direct mailings. This strategy is often seen as more intrusive because the company initiates contact with the customer itself, often without prior consent. While inbound marketing tactics focus on attracting customers organically, marketing seeks to actively seek out and gain the attention of potential customers.


Successful inbound marketing focuses on creating valuable content that naturally attracts potential customers to a business, rather than bribing or persuading them with aggressive advertising techniques. It is an approach that promotes the building of long-term relationships with customers, based on trust and mutual benefit.

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