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Piotr Rysz

Piotr Rysz


What is Domain - [Marketing Dictionary]

What is Domain

What is your business visibility?

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Your Business

Your address

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Business visibility

Business visibility – it defines how visible your business is to customers in the region. Check the visibility of any business, even your competitors.

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Domain - is an URL address internet users type in a browser and it directs them to the online services, such as websites or e-mail providers on the web server. Domain names are unique for each website and cannot be the same as the domain names of other websites. If we look to the top of our page, at the web address field, you will see the name for this website, localo.com - it’s a domain. Everything after that, such as the domain extension: e.g., localo.com/blog is a subpage that is part of the domain.

How to choose a domain name?

To find a domain name that accurately represents your business or concept but hasn’t yet been adopted by anyone else, you need to combine creative SEO skills, logical thinking, luck, and an extensive understanding of best practices to follow. First and foremost, the domain should be related to your branding, short, easy to remember, and type in online.

How do I register my domain name?

There are many web hosting sites where you can find, choose and register your new valid domain name. The best global option is Google domains, where you can find a top-level domain to buy and maintain there.

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