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Alt attribute

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Piotr Rysz

Piotr Rysz


What is Alt Attribute - [Marketing Dictionary]

What is Alt attribute

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‍ Alt Attribute ((alternative text - alt text) is the description of graphics on a web page intended for crawlers(automated software that checks the page for content), which has a direct impact on the position of the site in search engines. It is the most critical factor necessary for the effective positioning of graphics, commonly used in SEO activities.

Alt tags serve multiple purposes. While you are not required to use them, there are necessary for image search SEO. Since they are used by both search engine crawlers and screen-reading tools, they are a vital component of web accessibility and Search Engine Optimization (SEO).


ALT attribute what does it do?

Thanks to a descriptive alt text, screen readers (crawlers) know what is on the image, so it should precisely be related to what image file it represents. A properly optimized ALT should contain a key phrase (as long as it is consistent with the image’s content). Including the keyword allows the picture to appear in search results, and thanks to image SEO, it will generate traffic to the site.

Remember, you should not use alternative text (alt tags) to stuff keywords. Another essential function of the image tag is its use by programs for visually impaired users. It lets users know what the graphic represents. Empty alt attribute for search engines means lack of pictures. If images cannot be displayed for some reason, ALT attributes appear instead.

For an image, you can also set up a title attribute - a text that will appear after user hovers on the image. In most cases, SEO experts use here the same text as in the alt attribute.

Where is the alt attribute?

The alternative description is part of the HTML code. Its correct syntax looks like this:

< img src=”image address” alt=”alt description” >.

You should apply it to all images available on the website. The content of the alternative description should be unique and detailed.

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