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What has a direct influence on the above-the-fold section?
Web page designers need to take into consideration things like screen sizes and screen resolutions on mobile devices or stationary PCs. User behavior needs to be observed, and annalist as a human attention span is very short. The front part of the web pages that are displayed to visitors needs to deliver business leads - and the art and skill to utilize it is very difficult and valuable.
What should the ATF area contain?
Depending on the type of page, its purpose, and the device on which it is displayed, the Above the Fold area will vary. Nevertheless, the first view should contain the key information or at least a significant portion of it:
Depending on the type of site, the web design ATF should include:
- Logo, Menu, Social proof, and often CTA button as well,
- H1 header indicating what the page is about,
- Breadcrumbs indicating where you are,
- Main graphic, thumbnail, background image,
- The beginning of the content of the offer, product, article, information page, etc.

Article author:
Sebastian Żarnowski
Co-founder & CEO
I have been involved in local marketing for years, starting my career at KS Agency, where I also initiated the Local SEO department. Currently, as a co-founder of Localo, I am developing a tool that helps local businesses reach their customers. I share my knowledge through blogs, webinars, social media, and YouTube videos. I focus on authenticity, a practical approach, and effectiveness to support the growth of local businesses and help them connect with their customers more effectively. I value unconventional thinking and am constantly seeking new solutions in marketing.