Rebranding is coming: Surfer Local โžก๏ธ Localo

Today, with an article like we've never posted before, we introduce you to our new brand, which on March 28 will replace the brand you know - Surfer Local. Rest assured. The change is only in the name and visual identity. The product, the people who create it, and our values, mission, and vision will remain the same. ๐Ÿ™‚ Keep reading to understand the reasons behind our decision and, most importantly, to learn about the Localo brand that will soon accompany you on the road to better local marketing.
weronika nuzynska photo
Weronika Nuลผyล„ska
Content Marketing Strategist
localo brand illustration

Why have we decided to rebrand?


โ€Most fast-growing organizations have one thing in common - change. Although we have been creating a tool that helps you quickly get new customers from Google for over two years, our pivots resulted from the needs of our customers - business owners, agencies, and all of you.


Those needs have led us to where we are now and where we are ready to present a new brand image consistent with our mission, vision, and everything we want to communicate to the world.


So without further ado, why did we decide to rebrand?


We create a consistent brand that matches our vision

We developed the current Surfer Local branding quite spontaneously - we saw your need and decided to create a local marketing solution for you as soon as possible. After more than two years on the market, our tool is helping an enormous number of business owners to grow their businesses and reach new customers. We are ready to present a more coherent, thoughtful communication and brand character to help even more entrepreneurs.


We change the name to one that is easy to remember

The Surfer Local name tended to cause issues for people who encountered it for the first time. We wanted users who interact with our brand to remember it with ease. We decided that our new name had to be:

  • short
  • melodic
  • memorable


We are blazing our own trail in local marketing

Some of you may have noticed that the last name Surfer Local and our logo connected us to the Surfer SEO brand - a tool that helps marketers create search-optimized content. When we built our product from scratch in 2021, part of our team had previously worked on Surfer SEO, and we were starting in similar places. Now we differ significantly - from the range of functionality to the team to a completely different user group.


We want our product name to be distinct from Surfer SEO - a tool for SEO and marketing professionals. We design our services for users without extensive marketing knowledge.


What elements are going to change?

The following elements of our identity will undergo a modification:

  • Logotype
  • Name and domain
  • Colors
  • Fonts
  • Website style
  • A slight refresh of the application layout

In short, the change will mainly consist of visual aspects of the brand, along with a new name and domain.

Apart from the elements mentioned above, nothing else is changing. You can be sure that the following aspects will remain the same:

  • The tool will continue to work the same way (although we are constantly working on improvements)
  • The same people who build Surfer Local are still behind Localo (third parties have not bought out our company in any way)
  • The change will not affect package prices
  • Our users do not need to perform any action to transfer their account to the new domain - everything will happen automatically
localo rebranding illustration


Localo: what does it mean? ๐ŸŒ

Our talks, discussions, and meetings formed a new name for our business. As of 28.03.2023, we will operate as Localo!


The new name will better reflect who we are, what we want to achieve, and what values are essential to our daily work.

Our mission is to support local businesses, enable them to promote themselves and bring them together in a network of mutual assistance and cooperation. Small companies have great potential and can contribute to creating vibrant, connected communities.

We support local businesses

We enable small business owners to reach new customers without enormous budgets for promotion or expertise. With the Localo tool, every client can take their business's advertising into their own hands.

We build local communities

With the ability to promote themselves quickly and widely, small businesses such as florists, grocers, and restaurants can compete with large chains and corporations for customers. Using local small businesses in the neighborhood helps build communities and form bonds. Then, the area comes to life.

We create a sense of belonging

We connect business owners from entirely different industries and places in the world with each other. Members of our virtual community are eager to help each other, share knowledge, and even start collaborations. Thanks to this (and our proactive support), we make our users feel safe among like-minded people with passion who will always help them solve their problems.


What is the meaning of our new logo? ๐Ÿ“

Our new logotype refers to the previous signet with many elements. We kept details such as the distinctive pin and the color gradient.


On the other hand, we decided to simplify the sign and inscribe it in a circle. The effect we present to you is tighter and more definite - just like the actions we help our clients implement.



Our new logo communicates the things that are important to us through the elements:


  • The pin represents your place on earth - your establishment
  • The dot in the center of the pin symbolizes being in the center -a specific point
  • The circle surrounding the pin is the entire world surrounding your business- where your customers are about to find out about you. The dashed line of the circle represents movement because running a business is constant work.
  • Finally, we love seeing the outline of a fingerprint in our new logotype. This is the footprint you leave in the world through your business. We know it's as unique as fingerprints, and no one can find another company like yours anywhere in the world.


What's next in terms of rebranding? ๐Ÿค”

The visual identity introduced today is the foundation to communicate better what our product does. On March 28, we will release a new homepage, and several(dozen) refreshed page views. In the following weeks, we will make all our materials consistent with the new branding.

The changes will mainly concern our website and, to some extent, the app's appearance. We will also change the names of our social media profiles, and starting March 28, the newsletter you receive from us via email will now be from Localo. ๐Ÿค—
