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Agência de Tradução Encontra Clientes Para Novos Serviços na Área Local

Descubra como uma agência de tradução local encontrou clientes para seus novos serviços em um mercado altamente competitivo e multiplicou o número de clientes em questão de uma semana.

David Kowalski

David Kowalski





Kielce, Poland


1º de janeiro de 2018

A agência de tradução English Cloud oferece traduções do e para o inglês desde 2018. Com sede em Kielce, realiza projetos tanto para o setor privado quanto para o público, especializando-se na tradução de documentos oficiais, contratos, procedimentos empresariais e demonstrações financeiras.


When the already rich offer of translations has expanded even more, including online English learning and interpreting, the company needed to attract customers in a new way - the local market for this kind of services is highly competitive. The office is run by a single person, so the time spent on promotion is limited.

In the owner’s mind, SEO and local positioning activities were reserved for specialists - as it turned out, thanks to Localo, this is not the case at all. Expert knowledge was also not necessary to start reaching customers through Google Business Profile.

I didn’t know much about SEO and Google Business Profile positioning. I knew, of course, that it was important, but I wrongly assumed that these were activities for “big players” with robust advertising budgets. I decided to set a little budget of ~300$ for advertising/positioning and $500 for a new visual identity (now I prepare the posts on SM on my own). I needed to learn how to approach this topic, and with Localo everything turned out to be simple.

Quão visível é o seu perfil de negócio no Google

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As the Localo audit has shown, basically all the elements of the Google Business Profile required a slight change. After optimizing the name and changing the description, David added new services to the profile, promoting his latest offering. He also began to publish posts regularly to attract customers’ attention and encourage them to buy through direct links to the offer.

Profile Screenshot 1

In addition to the initial “redesign” of his profile, David also began regularly completing tasks generated by Localo. He also started tracking the popularity of specific keywords and positioning himself for selected phrases. He also checks daily his position in Google search results.

I spend a few hours once a week working with Localo, designing posts, completing more tasks, and then just checking the results daily.


Building the profile from scratch brought results almost immediately - thanks to properly constructed essential elements, the Google Business Profile of the company became more visible. David noticed a several-fold increase in profile views, translating into more calls from potential clients. This allows him to save time previously spent on acquiring new sales leads and focus on expanding other communication channels.

It already seems clear that choosing Localo was spot-on. In less than a month, the number of visitors to my website/business profile has increased several times. As a consequence, I’m getting more emails from private clients. I also spend less time on direct marketing (phone calls, mailing campaigns), and it has motivated me to get back to work on completing and optimizing my main website.

We are very happy to see that there is a room for specialised translate agencies even after the emergence of translating AI! What’s more if we can help local companies find new customers in one of the most automated industries, we are pleased even more! Good Luck!

position map before

Position Map Before

position map after

Position Map After

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